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0.8.4:cameras [2022/07/20 12:32] – [TGorillaSmoothCameraController] admin0.8.4:cameras [2022/07/22 12:55] (current) – [Creating a Smooth Controller at Runtime] admin
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 ===== Target ===== ===== Target =====
-A very useful property of Firemonkey's TCamera component is the //Target// property. You can link the camera to another 3D object to always look at. This will compute view direction always towards the linked 3D object.+A very useful property of Firemonkey's TCamera component is the //Target// property. You can link the camera to another 3D object to always look at it. This will generate a view direction always towards the linked 3D object.
 You can use this property for easy camera navigation in 3D space. Combine a camera component with a non-visual TDummy instance to navigate. You can use this property for easy camera navigation in 3D space. Combine a camera component with a non-visual TDummy instance to navigate.
Line 125: Line 125:
 end; end;
 </file> </file>
-===== TGorillaSmoothCameraController ===== 
-Since version a TGorillaViewport component provides an embedded //TGorillaSmoothCameraController// component with automatic mouse feedback integration. This means: In case //UsingDesignCamera// is set to TRUE, the viewport will register OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp and OnMouseMove events and forward those events to the embedded TGorillaSmoothCameraController.+===== Frustum Culling ===== 
 +The viewing frustum is a geometric representation of the volume visible to the virtual camera. Naturally, objects outside this volume will not be visible in the final image, so they are discarded. 
 +Read more about here: [[viewport#frustumculling|Frustum Culling]] 
 +===== Smooth Camera Controller ===== 
 +Since version a TGorillaViewport component provides an embedded //TGorillaSmoothCameraController// component with automatic mouse feedback integration. This means: In case //TGorillaViewport.UsingDesignCamera// is set to TRUE, the viewport will register OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp and OnMouseMove events and forward those events to the embedded TGorillaSmoothCameraController.
 This enables an easy-to-use mouse navigation for your 3D scene without any effort. This enables an easy-to-use mouse navigation for your 3D scene without any effort.
-The component provides many options to configure behaviour of the camera controller.+The smooth camera controller supports the following control: 
 +  * Rotation around Y-axis 
 +  * Rotation around X-axis (moving up / down) 
 +  * Zooming in / out 
 +  * Shifting / Translating on X-, Y- and Z-axis 
 +It is called "Smooth" because it moves smoothly and will not stop abruptly if user stops interacting. This provides a good user experience. 
 +Nevertheless you're able to control this smoothness and the controller itself by a variety of properties:
 ^Property ^ Description^ ^Property ^ Description^
Line 159: Line 174:
 |OnBeforeModify|A callback event before a specific type of control (rotate, up/down, zoom, ...) getting modified.| |OnBeforeModify|A callback event before a specific type of control (rotate, up/down, zoom, ...) getting modified.|
 |OnAfterModify|A callback event after a specific type of control (rotate, up/down, zoom, ...) was modified.| |OnAfterModify|A callback event after a specific type of control (rotate, up/down, zoom, ...) was modified.|
 +To retrieve and modify the embedded camera and camera controller from a viewport you can use the following public functions of a TGorillaViewport instance.
 +|function GetDesignCamera() : TCamera;|
 +|function GetDesignCameraController() : TGorillaSmoothCameraController;|
 +==== Creating a Smooth Controller at Runtime ====
 +Besides the embedded camera controller in the viewport, you can of course create your own at runtime or designtime.
 +If you link the controller to a viewport component, it will automatically setup the necessary mouse events for you.
 +But you are also allowed to control it yourself, f.e. by Gamepad or Keyboard events. For manual controlling please leave the viewport property empty.
 +In the following code snippet we modify rotation manually in user-specific mouse events.
 +We're also blocking shifting, because we only want to rotate the camera.
 +<file pascal>
 +  Gorilla.Camera;
 +  TForm1 = class(TForm)
 +    GorillaViewport1: TGorillaViewport;
 +    FCameraCtrl : TGorillaSmoothCameraController;
 +    FMyCamera : TGorillaCamera;
 +  private
 +    FIsMoving : Boolean;
 +    FLastPoint : TPointF;
 +    procedure DoOnViewportMouseUp(ASender : TObject; AButton : TMouseButton;
 +      AShift : TShiftState; X, Y : Single);
 +    procedure DoOnViewportMouseDown(ASender : TObject; AButton : TMouseButton;
 +      AShift : TShiftState; X, Y : Single);
 +    procedure DoOnViewportMouseMove(ASender : TObject; AShiftState : TShiftState;
 +      X, Y : Single);
 +  end;
 +  [...]
 +procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 +  /// Deactivate design camera controller before registering user-specific events for mouse feedback
 +  GorillaViewport1.UsingDesignCamera := FALSE;
 +  /// Register user-specific mouse events to control our camera
 +  GorillaViewport1.OnMouseUp   := DoOnViewportMouseUp;
 +  GorillaViewport1.OnMouseDown := DoOnViewportMouseDown;
 +  GorillaViewport1.OnMouseMove := DoOnViewportMouseMove;
 +  /// Create a smooth camera controller
 +  FCameraCtrl := TGorillaSmoothCameraController.Create(GorillaViewport1);
 +  FCameraCtrl.Parent := GorillaViewport;
 +  /// NOTICE: Enable only rotation. Disable zooming and shifting
 +  FCameraCtrl.Types := [TGorillaSmoothCameraControlType.scctRotateY, TGorillaSmoothCameraControlType.scctMoveY];
 +  /// Create our own camera for this controller
 +  FMyCamera := TGorillaCamera.Create(FCameraCtrl);
 +  FMyCamera.Parent := FCameraCtrl;
 +  /// Link the camera to the controller
 +  FCameraCtrl.Camera := FMyCamera;
 +  /// Activate the camera for rendering
 +  GorillaViewport1.Camera := FMyCamera;
 +  [...]
 +procedure TForm1.DoOnViewportMouseUp(ASender : TObject; AButton : TMouseButton;
 +  AShift : TShiftState; X, Y : Single);
 +  FIsMoving := false;
 +procedure TForm1.DoOnViewportMouseDown(ASender : TObject; AButton : TMouseButton;
 +  AShift : TShiftState; X, Y : Single);
 +  FIsMoving  := true;
 +  FLastPoint := PointF(X, Y);
 +procedure TForm1.DoOnViewportMouseMove(ASender : TObject; AShiftState : TShiftState;
 +  X, Y : Single);
 +var LDiff : TPointF;
 +  if FIsMoving then
 +  begin
 +    if (ssLeft in AShiftState) then
 +    begin
 +      LDiff := PointF(X, Y) - FLastPoint;
 +      /// Rotate around y-axis + Move up and down
 +      FCameraCtrl.AddImpulse(LDiff);
 +    end;
 +    /// finally store the last mouse position
 +    FLastPoint := PointF(X, Y);
 +  end;
 +The smooth camera controller provides a number of helpful functions to modify it from external.
 +|procedure AddImpulse(AOfs : TPointF);|Call this procedure to rotate around Y axis (AOfs.X) and move the camera up or down (AOfs.Y).|
 +|procedure AddXImpulse(AAngle : Single);|Call this procedure to rotate around Y axis.|
 +|procedure AddYImpulse(AAngle : Single); |Call this procedure to move camera up and down.|
 +|procedure Zoom(AStrength : Single = 1);|Call this procedure if you want to zoom in or out. The strength parameter defines the intensity of zooming.|
 +|procedure Shift(AOfs : TPoint3D);|Move the camera controller on X, Y and Z axis.|
 +You can manipulate impulse values for rotation, zooming and shifting directly by the following properties.
 +|Impulse.X|Get or set the current impulse for rotation around Y-axis (X value).|
 +|Impulse.Y|Get or set the current impulse for moving up and down (Y value)|
 +|Impulse.Z|Get or set the current impulse for zooming in/out (Z value)|
 +|ShiftImpulse.X|Get or set the current impulse for shifting on X axis.|
 +|ShiftImpulse.Y|Get or set the current impulse for shifting on Y axis.|
 +|ShiftImpulse.Z|Get or set the current impulse for shifting on Z axis.|
 +Next step: [[lights|Lights]]