Warning: Undefined array key "translationlc" in /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/lib/plugins/translation/action.php on line 237

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/lib/plugins/translation/action.php:237) in /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/inc/parser/code.php on line 33

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/lib/plugins/translation/action.php:237) in /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/inc/parser/code.php on line 35
type TForm1 = class(TForm) GorillaViewport1: TGorillaViewport; Light1: TLight; Dummy1: TDummy; Camera1: TCamera; GorillaPhysicsSystem1: TGorillaPhysicsSystem; Plane1: TPlane; GorillaCube1: TGorillaCube; PhysicsTimer1: TTimer; GorillaSphere1: TGorillaSphere; LightMaterialSource1: TLightMaterialSource; LightMaterialSource2: TLightMaterialSource; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure PhysicsTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.fmx} uses Gorilla.Physics, Gorilla.Physics.Q3.Body; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var LPrefab : TGorillaColliderSettings; begin // the plane should be a static body, otherwise it will fall in to nothingness LPrefab := TGorillaColliderSettings.Create(TQ3BodyType.eStaticBody); GorillaPhysicsSystem1.AddBoxCollider(Plane1, LPrefab); // the cube is a dynamic / moveable body which collides with the plane and sphere LPrefab := TGorillaColliderSettings.Create(TQ3BodyType.eDynamicBody); GorillaPhysicsSystem1.AddBoxCollider(GorillaCube1, LPrefab); // the sphere is a dynamic / moveable body which collides with the plane and cube LPrefab := TGorillaColliderSettings.Create(TQ3BodyType.eDynamicBody); GorillaPhysicsSystem1.AddSphereCollider(GorillaSphere1, LPrefab); // we activate the physics system GorillaPhysicsSystem1.Active := true; // and we need to activate the physics timer for constant updates PhysicsTimer1.Enabled := true; end; procedure TForm1.PhysicsTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var LDelta : Single; begin // get the delta time => time since the last step() was called LDelta := GorillaPhysicsSystem1.GetDeltaTime(); GorillaPhysicsSystem1.Step(LDelta); GorillaViewport1.Invalidate(); end;