procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var LParticles := TGorillaSmokeParticleEmitter; LParticleMat : TParticleMaterialSource; LWind : TGorillaWindParticleInfluencer; begin LParticles := TGorillaSmokeParticleEmitter.Create(FGorilla); LParticles.Parent := FGorilla; LParticles.Camera := FCamera; // load smoke texture atlas LParticles.LoadTexture('smoke.png'); // randomize particle size and growth LParticles.ParticleSize := TParticlePreset.Create(16, 16, 1, false); LParticles.ParticleGrowth := TParticlePreset.Create(4, 8, 1, false); LWind := TGorillaWindParticleInfluencer.Create(LParticles); LWind.Origin := TPoint3D.Create(5, 0, 0); LWind.Size := TPoint3D.Create(5, 3, 3); end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin // on some constellations you will need an interval to update the viewport FGorilla.Invalidate(); end;