uses Gorilla.Terrain, Gorilla.Material.Lambert; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var LTexturePath : String; begin LTexturePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))); FTerrain := TGorillaTerrain.Create(fGorilla); FTerrain.Parent := FGorillaViewport; // set resolution of terrain to 256 x 256 sections // this generates 65.536 cells with 131.072 triangles and 393.216 vertices. FTerrain.ResolutionX := 256; FTerrain.ResolutionY := 256; // here we load the height map image FTerrain.HeightMap.LoadFromFile(LTexturePath + 'terrain-h.jpg'); // adjust terrain size and scaling FTerrain.HeightScale := 10; FTerrain.Scale.X := 100; FTerrain.Scale.Y := 10; FTerrain.Scale.Z := 100; // build terrain mesh from previously loaded heightmap // 1st param: static buffering for large number of vertices. // 2nd param: decimation disabled FTerrain.RebuildTerrain(true, false); // apply a material as texture to it FTerrainMaterial := TGorillaLambertMaterialSource.Create(FTerrain); FTerrainMaterial.Parent := FTerrain; FTerrainMaterial.Texture.LoadFromFile(LTexturePath + 'terrain-c.jpg'); FTerrain.MaterialSource := FTerrainMaterial; end;