Warning: Undefined array key "translationlc" in /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/lib/plugins/translation/action.php on line 237

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/lib/plugins/translation/action.php:237) in /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/inc/parser/code.php on line 33

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/lib/plugins/translation/action.php:237) in /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/inc/parser/code.php on line 34

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/lib/plugins/translation/action.php:237) in /usr/www/users/fabook/_diggets/doc/v2/inc/parser/code.php on line 35
var LOpts : TGorillaLoadOptions; LOpts := TGorillaLoadOptions.Create('C:\Bellydancing.dae', nil); // forbid to import light instances (optional) LOpts.ImportLights := false; // forbid to import camera instances (optional) LOpts.ImportCameras := false; // setup automatically loaded animations LOpts.ImportAnimations := true; // setup an array of fixed size with filenames System.SetLength(LOpts.AdditionalAnimations, 2); LOpts.AdditionalAnimations[0] := 'C:\Idle.dae'; LOpts.AdditionalAnimations[1] := 'C:\Walk.dae'; // limit the size of loaded textures (optional) LOpts.TextureLimits := Point(512, 512); GorillaModel1 := TGorillaModel.LoadModelFromFile(GorillaViewport1, LOpts); GorillaModel1.Parent := GorillaViewport1; // get first animation found and playback // CAUTION: it is not the first animation you have imported. It is the first animation could be found in animation-name-hashmap. var LAnim : TGorillaAnimation; LAnim := GorillaModel1.AnimationManager.Current; LAnim.Start();