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====== Input Polling / Input Controller ====== One of the basic features a game needs is the control of inputs. And it is not done with just checking which key is pressed or where the mouse is. Most games need much more than just reacting on clicks. Imagine a combat game, where you allow users to have key-combos for special attacks and animations. Therefor we provide the easy to use **TGorillaInputController** component to access keyboard, mouse and gamepad feedbacks. Also in combination! ===== Input Devices ===== The input controller sets up handlers for keyboard, mouse and gamepad, and enables all by default. FInput.Supported := [TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, TGorillaInputDeviceType.Mouse, TGorillaInputDeviceType.GamePad]; If you do not need any of the device, you can disable them, by reducing the "Supported" enumeration set. For example, if you only want to check for gamepad events: FInput.Supported := [TGorillaInputDeviceType.GamePad]; ===== HotKey ===== A HotKey is a combination of simultanously active inputs. Each HotKey can manage inputs from keyboard, mouse and/or gamepad. An input is a hardware message: * For keyboards, inputs are the pressed keys * For mouse, inputs are pressed mouse buttons * For gamepad, inputs are pressed gamepad buttons You can define up to 4 inputs per device. Which means you can handle up to 12 simultanously active input messages. In case you define an input in two different HotKeys, the system will detect the more important Hotkey. The importance is defined by the number of set inputs. If a HotKey was detected, the controller will call the OnTriggered event and/or an attached TAction instance. You are allowed to setup your HotKeys at design- and runtime. ==== LockTime ==== Set the LockTime property (in milliseconds) to suppress a hotkey for a specific time. Because input commands come very often, f.e. if a button on the gamepad was pressed. As long as you hold the button the system will recognize the hotkey for this button. For sequence detection this may be a problem. Therefor we want to lock the gamepad hotkey for a certain time. ==== DesignTime ==== Because HotKeys were implemented by the TCollection component of Delphi, you can setup your combinations at design time. - Drag a **TGorillaInputController** component onto your form and doubleclick the "**HotKeys**" property. - In the Delphi Collection-Editor you can now add a new **TGorillaHotKeyItem**. - Type in a unique name to identify your hotkey, create a **OnTriggered** event or attach a **TAction** component to it. - In the next step we should add the input combination by double clicking the "**Combinations**" property. - Here we can now add a new **TGorillaHotKeyInputItem**. - In the item select the "**Kind**" of device. - and add the message input code (tables below) - Repeat it for any further inputs you wish to combine. ==== Runtime ==== uses Gorilla.Controller.Input, Gorilla.Controller.Input.Consts; procedure TForm1.DoOnHotKey(const AItem : TGorillaHotKeyItem; const ACurrentInput : TGorillaHotKeyRaw); begin DebugOutput(Format('>>> HotKey: %s <<< === %s', [AItem.DisplayName, ACurrentInput.ToString()])); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var FInput : TGorillaInputController; LHotKey : TGorillaHotKeyItem; [...] FInput := TGorillaInputController.Create(Self); LHotKey := FInput.AddHotKey('TEST1'); LHotKey.OnTriggered := DoOnHotKey; LHotKey.AddInput(TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, Ord(GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ALT)); LHotKey.AddInput(TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, Ord(GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_C)); LHotKey.AddInput(TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, Ord(GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_RETURN)); end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin FInput.DisposeOf(); FInput := nil; end; ===== Persistent Messages ===== Besides the HotKey settings the component supports persistent/continuous messages. A persistent message is a continuously notified message from the system and not a temporary message like a click or key-press. Persistent messages can not be notified by HotKeys. You need to request those separately. Supported persistent messages are: ^ Message-Code ^ Description ^ | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_POSITION | latest mouse position | | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGERS | gamepad trigger values | | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_THUMBSTICK_POS_LEFT | gamepad left thumbstick position | | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_THUMBSTICK_POS_RIGHT | gamepad right thumbstick position | You can request those messages at runtime, like in the following code: var LMPos : TPoint; LMsg : TGorillaInputMessage; begin // request latest mouse position if FInput.GetPersistentMessage(TGorillaInputDeviceType.Mouse, GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_POSITION, LMsg) then begin LMPos := LMsg.Data.AsType(); end else LMPos := TPoint.Zero; // show mouse position in form caption Self.Caption := Format('Gorilla 3D - Mouse: [%d;%d]', [LMPos.X, LMPos.Y]); ===== Input-Codes for HotKeys ===== All available InputCodes for HotKeys are defined in the Gorilla.Controller.Input.Consts unit. ==== Keyboard ==== ^ Constant ^ Value ^ | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_A|'A'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_B|'B'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_C| 'C'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_D|'D'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_E|'E'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_F|'F'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_G|'G'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_H|'H'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_I|'I'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_J|'J'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_K|'K'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_L|'L'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_M|'M'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_N|'N'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_O|'O'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_P|'P'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_Q|'Q'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_R|'R'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_S|'S'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_T|'T'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_U|'U'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_V|'V'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_W|'W'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_X|'X'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_Y|'Y'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_Z|'Z'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_0|'0'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_1|'1'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_2|'2'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_3|'3'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_4|'4'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_5|'5'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_6|'6'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_7|'7'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_8|'8'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_9|'9'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ARROW_LEFT|#37| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ARROW_UP|#38| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT|#39| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ARROW_DOWN|#40| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_SPACE|' '| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_PLUS|'+'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_MINUS|'-'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_DOT|'.'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_COMMA|','| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_HASH|'#'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_DIV|'/'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_STAR|'*'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_EXCL|'!'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_QUOTE|'"'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_PARA|'§'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_DOLLAR|'$'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_EURO|'€'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_AT|'@'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_PERCENT|'%'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_AND|'&'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_BACKSLASH|'\'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_BRACKETOPEN|'('| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_BRACKETCLOSE|')'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_EQUAL|'='| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_QUESTION|'?'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_TILDE|'~'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_UNDERSCORE|'_'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_SEMICOLON|';'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_COLON|':'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_BAR|'|'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_TAGOPEN|'<'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_TAGCLOSE|'>'| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_SHIFT_BACKSPACE|#8| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_SHIFT_TAB|#9| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_LINEFEED|#$0A| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_RETURN|#$0D| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ESCAPE|#$1B| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_DELETE|#$7F| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_SHIFT_CAPS|#20| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_SHIFT_LEFT|#160| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_SHIFT_RIGHT|#161| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_CTRL_LEFT|#162| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_CTRL_RIGHT|#163| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ALT|#164| | GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_ALTGR|#165| ==== Mouse ==== ^ Constant ^ Value ^ | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_POSITION|0| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_LBUTTON|1| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_LBUTTON_DBLCLK|2| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_RBUTTON|3| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_RBUTTON_DBLCLK|4| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_MBUTTON|5| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_MBUTTON_DBLCLK|6| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_XBUTTON|7| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_XBUTTON_DBLCLK|8| | GORILLA_INPUT_MOUSE_WHEEL|9| ==== GamePad ==== ^ Constant ^ Value ^ | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_CONNECTED|$1000| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_DISCONNECTED|$1001| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP|0| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN|1| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT|2| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT|3| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_START_BUTTON|4| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_MODEBUTTON|5| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_BACKBUTTON|6| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_THUMBSTICK_LEFT|7| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_THUMBSTICK_RIGHT|8| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_SHOULDER_LEFT|9| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_SHOULDER_RIGHT|10| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A|11| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B|12| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X|13| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y|14| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGERS|$100| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_THUMBSTICK_POS_LEFT|$200| | GORILLA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_THUMBSTICK_POS_RIGHT|$201| ===== Sequences ===== HotKeys are a nice feature, but only work for simultaneous inputs. Imagine you build a combat game, where attacks or defences are represented by input-combos. For example a user needs to press Button A, then Button B and then Button X to do roundhouse kick. Therefor sequences come in place. Sequences are a descriptive plan of hotkeys, where the order is important. So Sequence #1 Button A + Button B + Button X is not the same like Button B + Button A + Button X __Notes:__ You are allowed declare an input multiple times in a sequence. Each sequence can hold up to 16 HotKeys. ==== DesignTime ==== ==== Runtime ==== procedure TForm1.DoOnSequence(const ASequence : TGorillaInputSequenceItem); begin DebugOutput(Format('>>> Sequence: %s <<<', [ASequence.DisplayName])); end; [...] var LSequence: TGorillaInputSequenceItem; LSeq1HK1, LSeq1HK2, LSeq1HK3 : TGorillaHotKeyItem; [...] // create hotkey #1 LSeq1HK1 := FInput.AddHotKey('STRIDE LEFT'); LSeq1HK1.AddInput(TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, Ord(GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_A)); // create hotkey #2 LSeq1HK2 := FInput.AddHotKey('FORWARD'); LSeq1HK2.AddInput(TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, Ord(GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_W)); // create hotkey #3 LSeq1HK3 := FInput.AddHotKey('STRIDE RIGHT'); LSeq1HK3.AddInput(TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, Ord(GORILLA_INPUT_KEY_D)); // create the sequence and add the relevant hotkeys LSequence := FInput.AddSequence('TEST SEQUENCE', [LSeq1HK1, LSeq1HK2, LSeq1HK3]); LSequence.OnTriggered := DoOnSequence; ===== Debugging-Issue ===== Because on Windows platform we're using low level hooks for keyboard and mouse detection, to support high-performance and accuracy. But this comes with a major issue: In many cases __debugging is getting very slow__, because hooks have a 1000ms timeout by default and hooks not getting paused during debugging. This leads to lagging mouse and keyboard input. **Currently this can not be solved out of the box!** But you can add a registry entry to your system, like this: - Open RegEdit.exe (Windows) - Move to the path: "**HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\**" - Add a new value of type DWORD with the name "**LowLevelHooksTimeout**" - Enter a value which stands for the timeout in milliseconds (f.e. 50ms) - A Restart is required! Next: [[Pathfinding|Pathfinding]]