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Using AssetsManager

The AssetsManager is the core component in effective media management inside your Gorilla3D application.

Models, textures, audio, dialogues and so on will be cached for faster access and reusage.

You can build packages within the AssetsManager for modular media management.

For example: you could build a package for the main character and reference to it in every scene package.

Scene packages are extremly useful for compact and fast loading of all data in a scene.


An assets package is the management unit to handle groups and their attached assets. It is allowed to store a package as zip-archive or to use as in-memory package.


Each package provides a number of fixed group entries to organize media content.

Default group ids to access the specific group of each package:

Group-ID Extensions
GORILLA_ASSETS_MODEL *.obj, *.g3d, *.dae, *.stl, *.x3d, *.x3dvz, *.x3dz, *.fbx
GORILLA_ASSETS_TEXTURE *.bmp, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.dds, *.gif, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff, *.tga
GORILLA_ASSETS_AUDIO *.aiff, *.asf, *.asx, *.dls, *.flac, *.fsb, *.it, *.m3u, *.midi, *.mod, *.mp2, *.mp3, *.ogg, *.pls, *.s3m, *.vag, *.wav, *.wax, *.wma, *.xm, *.xma (FMOD Support activated)
GORILLA_ASSETS_VIDEO *.mp4, *.mpg and *.mpeg
GORILLA_ASSETS_MISC *.txt, *.json, *.xml


A media file is represented as extended TGorillaAsset instance inside in a specific group in an assets package. Depending on the media type the asset holds the data.


Holds model and animation data by the internal definition format TModelDef and writes data as *.g3d file to the zip-archive.


Holds the texture as TBitmap in memory and writes those in original file format to zip-archive.


Holds audio files in a TMemoryStream and writes those in original file format to zip-archive.


Holds video files in a TMemoryStream and writes those in original file format to zip-archive.


Used for unspecified file formats. Currently supported *.txt, *.json and *.xml. Holds data in a TMemoryStream and writes those in original file format to zip-archive.


Holds dialogue data in a TMemoryStream and writes those as *.dia file to zip-archive.


Holds inventory configuration data in a TMemoryStream and writes those as *.iff file to zip-archive.


You can find the TGorillaAssetsManager component in the toolbar. Simply drag and drop onto your form.

In the next step we need to create a new package in “Packages” property by the Delphi collection editor.


Creating package at runtime

Alternatively you can create the assets manager and packages at runtime.

  FAssetsManager : TGorillaAssetsManager;
  FPackage : TGorillaAssetsPackage;
procedure TForm1.CreatePackage();
  FAssetsManager := TGorillaAssetsManager.Create(Self);
  FPackage := FAssetsManager.AddEmptyPackage(GORILLA_PACKAGE_DEFAULT);

Loading package from file

You can easily setup packages by the Gorilla3D assets manager tool. There you can also save packages to file, which can be loaded at runtime in your program.

procedure TForm1.LoadPackage(const AFilename : String);
  FAssetsManager := TGorillaAssetsManager.Create(Self);
  FPackage := FAssetsManager.LoadPackageFromFile(AFilename);

Storing your assets package at runtime

Of course you are allowed to store the assets package you've setup. Easily use the provided SaveToFile method of each package instance.

procedure TForm1.SavePackage(const AFilename : String);

Finding an asset inside of a package

1) Each assets has an unique id (GUID) when added to the package by which we can find it exactly.

  // finding an asset in a specific group by its unique id
  LAssetId := '{18E01973-D452-4596-A1A1-C51F09763954}';
  FPackage.GetAssetFromId(GORILLA_ASSETS_TEXTURE, LAssetId);

2) Get asset by its filename

Caution: This method will automatically import the asset from supplied file, if it can not be found.

  // finding an asset in a specific group by its filename
  LAssetFile := 'texture0.png';
  FPackage.GetAssetFromFile(GORILLA_ASSETS_TEXTURE, LAssetFile);

3) Get asset by its filename and stream

Caution: This method will automatically import the asset from supplied stream, if it can not be found.

  // finding an asset in a specific group by its filename
  LAssetFile := 'texture0.png';
  FPackage.GetAssetFromStream(GORILLA_ASSETS_TEXTURE, LAssetFile, AStream);

Next step: Billboard