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charactercontrolling [2020/11/04 14:18] – [TriggerPoints Management] admincharactercontrolling [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Character Controlling ====== 
-For most games or apps a character / camera controlling is necessary to move in 3D space. This section handles firstperson- and thirdperson character controlling 
-and all expandable components. 
-The framework makes it very easy to implement such behaviour. Without huge coding you can setup everything at design-time. 
-The TGorillaCharacterController is the basis class for TGorillaFirstPersonController and TGorillaThirdPersonController, but should not be used directly,  
-because it's only an abstraction layer for shared functionality. 
-All character controllers receive inputs from a TGorillaInputController instance. By those inputs a linked camera component will be moved or 
-users are allowed to interact with your game. 
-Predefined input hotkeys by the TGorillaCharacterController class are: 
-For individual treatment you can disable or overwrite those predefined hotkeys. 
-The basis character controller component catches all input events, handles them throws user-friendly events. 
-^Event ^Description^ 
-|OnIdle |OnIdle event getting raised when first person controller switches to idle mode.| 
-|OnMove |OnMove event getting raised in doOnMoveForward, doOnMoveBackward, doOnMoveLeft, doOnMoveRight and DoOnGamePadThumbstickPos methods, used by keyboard hotkeys and gamepad thumbstick movement.| 
-|OnRotate |OnRotate event getting raised if the view was rotated by DoOnGamePadThumbstickPos or DoOnMouseMove.| 
-|OnBoost |OnBoost event getting raised when boost mode was activated or deactivated.| 
-|OnCrouch | OnCrouch event getting raised when crouching was activated or deactivated.| 
-|OnCrawl|OnCrawl event getting raised when crawling was activated or deactivated.| 
-|OnJump|OnJump event getting raised when first person controller is jumping.| 
-|OnAim |OnAim event getting raised when aiming mode was activated or deactivated.| 
-|OnPush |OnPush event getting raised when pushing mode was activated or deactivated.| 
-|OnPull |OnPull event getting raised when pulling mode was activated or deactivated.| 
-|OnCustomAction |OnCustomAction event getting raised by keyboard custom action hotkeys and gamepad buttons.| 
-|OnClick |OnClick event getting raised by clicking left, middle or right mouse button.| 
-|OnStart |OnStart event getting raised when start hotkey was activated.| 
-|OnMode |OnMode event getting raised when mode hotkey was activated.| 
-|OnBack |OnBack event getting raised when back hotkey was activated.| 
-|OnNavigate |OnNavigate event getting raised when menu navigation was triggered.| 
-|OnHotKey |OnHotKey event getting raised when a registered hotkey was triggered. It's a central callback event for all hotkeys. Parallel to it hotkey specific events will be raised: OnIdle, OnMove, OnBoost, OnCrouch, OnJump, OnCustomAction, OnClick, OnStart, OnMode, OnBack and OnNavigate| 
-|OnTriggerPoint |If a TGorillaTriggerPointManager component was linked to the first person controller, a trigger-point check will automatically be performed on movement. If then a trigger-point is in reach, the OnTriggerPoint event will be raised.| 
-Basic movement configuration: 
-^Property ^Description ^ 
-|LockXAxis |Lock or unlock X-axis for movement. Enable this property if you don't want the character to force movement on x direction.| 
-|LockYAxis |Lock or unlock Y-axis for movement. Enable this property if you don't want the character to force movement on y direction.| 
-|LockZAxis |Lock or unlock Z-axis for movement. Enable this property if you don't want the character to force movement on Z direction.| 
-|MoveSideways |Activate or deactive to move character sideways on move-left/right hotkeys. If this mode is deactivated, the character will rotate on move-left/right hotkey instead.| 
-===== FirstPerson Controller ===== 
-The TGorillaFirstPersonController controls movement of a linked camera component in its basic settings. 
-But you're allowed to add sub controls like a TGorillaModel to display arms or weapons as known in typical ego shooter games. 
-You can set up a firstperson controller at design-time or at runtime by: 
-<file pascal> 
-  protected 
-    FInputCtrl : TGorillaInputController; 
-    FFirstPersonCtrl : TGorillaFirstPersonController; 
-  Gorilla.Controller.Input.Types, 
-  Gorilla.Controller.Input.Character, 
-  Gorilla.Controller.Input.FirstPerson; 
-FInputCtrl := TGorillaInputController.Create(Self); 
-FInputCtrl.Supported := [TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, TGorillaInputDeviceType.Mouse]; 
-FInputCtrl.Enabled := true; 
-FFirstPersonCtrl := TGorillaFirstPersonController.Create(FViewport); 
-FFirstPersonCtrl.Parent := FViewport; 
-FFirstPersonCtrl.InputController := FInputCtrl; 
-FFirstPersonCtrl.Camera := FCamera; 
-You have some properties to optimize or configure your specific character movement: 
-^Property ^Description ^ 
-|MouseControllerSpeed|Get or set mouse controller speed. The value reduces movement speed on mouse interaction. Default value is 0.075.| 
-|GamePadThumbstickSpeed|Get or set gamepad controller speed, when using thumbsticks to move. The value reduces movement speed on gamepad interaction. Default value is 0.5.| 
-|Speed |Get or set speed of movement. A basis speed value applied to direction vector. Default value is 1.0.| 
-|CrouchingSpeedReduction|Factor of reduction on speed if state is fpCrouching. Values between 0.0 - 1.0 are allowed. Default value is 0.15.| 
-|RunningSpeedBoost|Boost factor on speed if state is fpBoost. Values between 1-1000 are allowed. Default value is 2.0.| 
-|JumpingHeight |Get or set jumping height value. The value defines the height of jumping. Default value is 4.0.| 
-|CrouchingHeight |Get or set crouching height value. The value defines how deep the character getting down. Default value is 0.5. 
-|ShowCursor |You can show/hide mouse cursor while first person controller is running. (not working properly)| 
-|RotationDragMode |Get or set FRotationDragMode value, which defines if camera rotation is only been applied, if mouse down is active.| 
-|UseDefaultBehaviour |Activate / Deactivate default behaviour on hotkeys triggered.| 
-|UseDefaultMovement |Activate / Deactivate default movement behaviour. This flag allows to disable default HotKey (W-A-S-D keys) / Gamepad (thumbstick) movement. This has no influence on camera rotation.| 
-===== ThirdPerson Controller ===== 
-The TGorillaThirdPersonController is an extension of the TGorillaFirstPersonController but changes 
- camera movement. It's the typical character controller when having a character model with a top down look by camera. 
-<file pascal> 
-  protected 
-    FInputCtrl : TGorillaInputController; 
-    FThirdPersonCtrl : TGorillaThirdPersonController; 
-  Gorilla.Controller.Input.Types, 
-  Gorilla.Controller.Input.Character, 
-  Gorilla.Controller.Input.ThirdPerson; 
-FInputCtrl := TGorillaInputController.Create(Self); 
-FInputCtrl.Supported := [TGorillaInputDeviceType.Keyboard, TGorillaInputDeviceType.Mouse]; 
-FInputCtrl.Enabled := true; 
-FThirdPersonCtrl := TGorillaThirdPersonController.Create(FViewport); 
-FThirdPersonCtrl.Parent := FViewport; 
-FThirdPersonCtrl.InputController := FInputCtrl; 
-FThirdPersonCtrl.Camera := FCamera; 
-===== Optional linkable components ===== 
-It's usual to handle different things during character controlling. So you'd like to check for special positions in 3D space and execute actions when getting triggered. Or you like to playback sounds on specific states or refer to a sound-map. 
-Therefore you're able to link out TGorillaTriggerPointManager or the TGorillaAudioManagerController. 
-==== TriggerPoints Management ==== 
-TriggerPoints are 3D positions in your 3D world space. Those can be static or dynamic (moving). For example you have another character you want to talk to. You can set up a dynamic trigger point for the model and the system will automatically check when it's getting close enough. 
-In a triggerpoint specific event you can react on that feedback and start the conversation ([[Dialogues|Dialogues]]). 
-<file pascal> 
-procedure TGameWindow.DoOnWheelTriggered(ASender : TGorillaTriggerPointManager; 
-  const APos, AViewDir : TPoint3D; const APoint : TGorillaTriggerPoint; 
-  const ADistance : Single); 
-  FMX.Types.Log.D('wheel triggered'); 
-procedure TGameWindow.DoOnWheelUnTriggered(ASender : TGorillaTriggerPointManager; 
-  const APos, AViewDir : TPoint3D; const APoint : TGorillaTriggerPoint; 
-  const ADistance : Single); 
-  FMX.Types.Log.D('wheel untriggered'); 
-  [...] 
-FTriggerPoints := TGorillaTriggerPointManager.Create(Self); 
-// we don't want to check against camera, but againts the character model 
-FTriggerPoints.RelatedControl := FCharacter; 
-FTriggerPoints.Enabled := true; 
-// creata a single trigger point at runtime 
-LTP := FTriggerPoints.AddTriggerPoint('Wheel1', Point3D(-10, 0, 10), 0.25, 30); 
-LTP.LookInDirection := false; // trigger only if character is nearby 
-LTP.Kind := TGorillaTriggerPointKind.StaticTriggerPoint; 
-LTP.Data := TValue.From<String>('Press [E] to rotate wheel #1'); 
-LTP.Tag  := 1; 
-LTP.OnTriggered := DoOnWheelTriggered; 
-LTP.OnUnTriggered := DoOnWheelUnTriggered; 
-==== Audio Manager Controller ==== 
-The audio manager controller is an exchange layer between your character controller and an audio manager. 
-You can playback sounds automatically, without any programming, by a configured hotkey map or a soundmap. 
-The following example showing how to setup an audio manager controller at runtime. Here we show the usage of  
-an input stated handling by keyboard input. 
-<file pascal> 
-FAudioCtrl := TGorillaAudioManagerController.Create(Self); 
-FAudioCtrl.AudioManager := Self.FAudioManager; 
-FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('RUN_FORWARD',  SOUND_RUN, 
-  TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveForward, [fpMoving,fpBoost]); 
-FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('RUN_BACKWARD', SOUND_RUN, 
-  TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveBackward, [fpMoving,fpBoost]); 
-FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('WALK_FORWARD',  SOUND_WALK, 
-  TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveForward, [fpMoving]); 
-FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('WALK_BACKWARD', SOUND_WALK, 
-  TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveBackward, [fpMoving]); 
-===== Physics Character Controller ===== 
-A TGorillaPhysicsCharacterController is a helper layer to manage physics engine, character controller and animation controller. 
-The component handles all the complex management of collision detection and animation playback of a model on basis of a firstperson/thirdperson character controller. 
-Without any programming it's possible to implement a game-typical character controlling, where animations switched automatically on different interactions. 
-On top there is physics collision detection (capsule collider). 
-Besides easy-to-drop designtime handling, you can setup a physics character controller at runtime. 
-<file pascal> 
-  [...] 
-  FAssetsManager : TGorillaAssetsManager; 
-  FMainPackage : TGorillaAssetsPackage; 
-  FPhysics : TGorillaPhysicsSystem; 
-  FCharacter : TGorillaModel; 
-  FPhysCtrl : TGorillaPhysicsCharacterController; 
-  FAnimCtrl : TGorillaAnimationController; 
-  FInputCtrl : TGorillaInputController; 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl : TGorillaThirdPersonController; 
-  FAudioCtrl : TGorillaAudioManagerController;     
-  FTriggerPoints   : TGorillaTriggerPointManager; 
-  [...] 
-procedure TGameWindow.LoadCharacter(const AAssets : String); 
-var LPath : String; 
-    j : Integer; 
-    LLay : TGorillaAnimationTransitionLayer; 
-    LTP : TGorillaTriggerPoint; 
-  // setup character assets path 
-  LPath := AAssets + IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter('mymodel'); 
-  // create physics character controller (PCC) 
-  // a PCC is able to connect a character controller with a physics system 
-  // because with the terrain a collider was added, so that we can walk 
-  // with our character on it. the PCC will automatically add a capsule collider 
-  // for collision detection 
-  FPhysCtrl := TGorillaPhysicsCharacterController.Create(FViewport); 
-  FPhysCtrl.Parent := FViewport; 
-  // here we can control the gravity - default value = 25 
-  FPhysCtrl.GravityScale := 3; 
-  // create character model 
-  // this will just be a visual instance for our character 
-  // the controlling will be done by the physics character controller and the 
-  // third person character controller 
-  FCharacter := TGorillaModel.LoadNewModelFromFile(FPhysCtrl, FMainPackage, 
-        LPath + 'mymodel.dae', []); 
-  FCharacter.Parent := FPhysCtrl; 
-  // we don't want to interact with the model - so we deactivate any raycast tests. 
-  FCharacter.SetHitTestValue(false); 
-  // we always want to see our character, so we disable frustum culling check 
-  // nevertheless this should not be necessary 
-  FCharacter.FrustumCullingCheck := false; 
-  // position character model inside of PCC capsule collider (may be obsolete - depending on your model) 
-  FCharacter.RotationAngle.Point := Point3D(-180, 90, 0); 
-  FCharacter.Position.Point := Point3D(0, 8, 0); 
-  FCharacter.Scale.Point := Point3D(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); 
-  // load all animations used by animation controller 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-idle.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-walk-forward.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-walk-backwards.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-walk-left.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-walk-right.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-run-forward.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-run-backwards.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-run-left.dae'); 
-  FCharacter.AddAnimationFromFile(LPath + 'mymodel-run-right.dae'); 
-  [...] 
-  // we start the first animation in our model - this should be the basis animation 
-  // inside of the first model file. 
-  if Assigned(FCharacter.AnimationManager) and Assigned(FCharacter.AnimationManager.Current) then 
-    FCharacter.AnimationManager.Current.Start(); 
-  // animation controller setup 
-  // create animation controller for handling animation transitions 
-  // animation transitions define how to switch from one animation to another 
-  // and which inputs / hotkeys are triggering 
-  FAnimCtrl := TGorillaAnimationController.Create(FViewport); 
-  // link the model to the animation controller, to apply animation transitions to 
-  FAnimCtrl.Model := FCharacter; 
-  // add all defined animation transitions 
-  LLay := FAnimCtrl.AddLayer('WalkingAnimations'); 
-  LLay.AddTransition('idle-forward > walk-forward', 'mymodel-idle.dae', 'mymodel-walk-forward.dae', true, KeyboardMoveForward, [fpMoving], tmImmediatly); 
-  LLay.AddTransition('idle-backward > walk-backward', 'mymodel-idle.dae', 'mymodel-walk-backward.dae', true, KeyboardMoveBackward, [fpMoving], tmImmediatly); 
-  [...] 
-  // set the default animation to be played at the beginning 
-  FAnimCtrl.DefaultAnimation := 'mymodel-idle.dae'; // the filename of your idle animation 
-  // create an audio manager controller to automatically playback sounds on 
-  // specific hotkey actions 
-  FAudioCtrl := TGorillaAudioManagerController.Create(Self); 
-  FAudioCtrl.AudioManager := Self.FAudioManager; 
-  FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('RUN_FORWARD',  SOUND_RUN, 
-        TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveForward, [fpMoving,fpBoost]); 
-  FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('RUN_BACKWARD', SOUND_RUN, 
-        TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveBackward, [fpMoving,fpBoost]); 
-  FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('WALK_FORWARD',  SOUND_WALK, 
-        TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveForward, [fpMoving]); 
-  FAudioCtrl.AddHotKeyMapping('WALK_BACKWARD', SOUND_WALK, 
-        TGorillaCharacterControllerHotKey.KeyboardMoveBackward, [fpMoving]); 
-  // create a trigger points manager and some coordinates to be triggered 
-  FTriggerPoints := TGorillaTriggerPointManager.Create(Self); 
-  // we don't want to check against camera, but againts the character model 
-  FTriggerPoints.RelatedControl := FCharacter; 
-  FTriggerPoints.Enabled := true; 
-  // wheel #1 trigger point 
-  LTP := FTriggerPoints.AddTriggerPoint('Wheel1', Point3D(-10, 0, 10), 0.25, 30); 
-  LTP.LookInDirection := false; 
-  LTP.Kind := TGorillaTriggerPointKind.StaticTriggerPoint; 
-  LTP.Data := TValue.From<String>('Press [E] to rotate wheel #1'); 
-  LTP.Tag  := 1; 
-  LTP.OnTriggered := DoOnWheelTriggered; 
-  LTP.OnUnTriggered := DoOnWheelUnTriggered; 
-  // wheel #2 trigger point 
-  LTP := FTriggerPoints.AddTriggerPoint('Wheel2', Point3D(15, 0, -20), 0.25, 30); 
-  LTP.LookInDirection := false; 
-  LTP.Kind := TGorillaTriggerPointKind.StaticTriggerPoint; 
-  LTP.Data := TValue.From<String>('Press [E] to rotate wheel #2'); 
-  LTP.Tag  := 2; 
-  LTP.OnTriggered := DoOnWheelTriggered; 
-  LTP.OnUnTriggered := DoOnWheelUnTriggered; 
-  // position the physics controller in 3D physics space - we let the capsule 
-  // collider drop from -75.0 onto the terrain. 
-  FPhysCtrl.Position.Point := Point3D(0, -5, 0); 
-  // link physics controller with character 
-  FPhysCtrl.Model := FCharacter; 
-  // resize the capsule collider for better scaled size regarding the scene size 
-  FPhysCtrl.SetSize(6, 16, 6); 
-  // create a third-person controller 
-  // this is the basic input handler for characters 
-  // this will control movement depending on inputs (by the input controller) 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl := TGorillaThirdPersonController.Create(FPhysCtrl); 
-  // attach the character controller to the physics character controller (PCC) 
-  // so it can automatically move it on interaction 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl.Parent := FPhysCtrl; 
-  // link the camera to the controller for automatic camera movement 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl.Camera := FCamera; 
-  // link the input controller to process all keyboard inputs, to let the 
-  // character move, jump or whatever 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl.InputController := FInputCtrl; 
-  // link the audio manager controller for automatic sound playback on hotkeys 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl.AudioManagerController := FAudioCtrl; 
-  // link triggerpoints manager for auto-detection of game coordinates 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl.TriggerPoints := FTriggerPoints; 
-  // deactivate default behaviour, because we're attaching the character controller 
-  // to the physics character controller and the physics system 
-  // we need to deactivate to allow physics system interaction with the character 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl.UseDefaultMovement := false; 
-  // reduce default speed, because of large scene scale 
-  FThirdPersonCtrl.Speed := 15; 
-  // set camera position a bit more far away for better optics 
-  FCamera.Position.Point := Point3D(25, 0, -20); 
-  FCamera.Target := FCharacter; 
-  // link animation controller to physics character controller (PCC) 
-  // the PCC will then automatically dispatch all input events to the animation 
-  // controller to playback the correct animation transition. 
-  FPhysCtrl.AnimationController := FAnimCtrl; 
-  // link the physics system to PCC, to interact with physics world (terrain and objects) 
-  FPhysCtrl.Physics := FPhysics; 
-  // link the character controller to PCC, to let the PCC know, what to control. 
-  FPhysCtrl.Controller := FThirdPersonCtrl; 