
Download the latest package

You can download the latest Developer-Edition packages for your specific Delphi DX version at

Check out the “packages” folder, choose your Delphi IDE version and download the highest version.

Latest Package (for 10.4.1):

The Developer-Edition is free for development purposes and max. 5 developers. When releasing your project you need to purchase the Release-Version!

The free developer-edition contains the same features like the release version, it only contains multiple watermarks.

Unpack and configure

Download the zip-archive and unpack anywhere (<installation-directory>).

In Delphi IDE go to:

  • Menu: Components > Install packages
  • Select the package file “Gorilla3D_Delphi_10_X_X_X.bpl” from “<installation-directory>\Win32\Release” depending on your IDE version.

Delphi 10.3

To insert DCU's go to:

  1. Menu: Tools > Options > Language > Delphi-Options > Library
  2. Select “Windows 32-Bit” platform on top
  3. Go to “Library-Path” input field and add the “<installation-directory>\Win32\Release\
  4. Repeat this analog for “Windows 64-Bit” and “Android” platforms

Delphi 10.1 - Delphi 10.2

To insert DCU's go to:

  1. Menu: Tools > Options > Environmentoptions > Delphi-Options > Library
  2. Select “Windows 32-Bit” platform on top
  3. Go to “Library-Path” input field and add the “<installation-directory>\Win32\Release\
  4. Repeat this analog for “Windows 64-Bit” and “Android” platforms