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inventory [2019/04/10 09:07] – [Manufacturer] admininventory [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Inventory-System ====== 
-Besides 3D features Gorilla3D also provides basic utility components like the inventory system. 
-Most games or multimedia apps need some kind of inventory or item management. 
-By the **TGorillaInventory** component you are able to: 
-  *   manage item templates, groups and manufacturers 
-  *   hold items with thumbnail and preview models 
-  *   manage groups with thumbnails 
-  *   support a multilingual system (f.e.: for group/item names) 
-  *   have up- and downgradable items 
-  *   setup manufacturers for crafting and item combinations 
-  *   manufacture multiple items 
-  *   craft items in editable time in asynchrone backend thread 
-  *   manage max quantity of items and groups 
-  *   manage weight of items and groups 
-  *   collect items pooled or each as single instance 
-  *   collect items in dependencies, f.e. only if you have collected an ax, you can collect wood 
-  *   set variables to implement gaming elements 
-  *   set parameters to interact back with your game/application 
-===== Layout ===== 
-An inventory consists of 3 basic components: 
-  * item templates 
-  * item groups 
-  * manufacturers 
-First of all the inventory needs to know all possible items. These are called item templates. 
-Item templates can be linked to item groups, to somehow categorize your collection. 
-If you are interested in crafting or combining, manufacturers come in place. 
-==== Item Template ==== 
-An item template holds information about the item itself. For example: a maximum global number of elements, its weight or dependencies to other items. 
-See in the following how you can add templates at runtime. 
-<file pascal> 
-  Gorilla.Utils.Inventory, 
-  Gorilla.Utils.Language; 
-  FInventory : TGorillaInventory; 
-procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 
-var LMainGrp   : TGorillaInventoryGroup; 
-    LAxe : TGorillaInventoryItemTemplate; 
-    LWood : TGorillaInventoryItemTemplate; 
-    LGrass : TGorillaInventoryItemTemplate; 
-  // create inventory system 
-  FInventory := TGorillaInventory.Create(Self); 
-  // we need a first group, where the templates belong to 
-  LMainGrp := FInventory.AddGroup('Rucksack'); 
-  // get the language identifiers 
-  LLangEN_US := GetLanguageName(GORILLA_LANG_EN_US); 
-  LLangDE_DE := GetLanguageName(GORILLA_LANG_DE_DE); 
-  // create the axe item template 
-  LAxe := FInventory.AddItemTemplate('Axe'); 
-  LAxe.Group := LMainGrp; 
-  LAxe.ImageIndex := 4; 
-  // add multilingual texts 
-  LAxe.Name.Add(LLangEN_US, 'axe'); 
-  LAxe.Name.Add(LLangDE_DE, 'Axt'); 
-  // set quantity and weight values 
-  LAxe.MaxQuantity := 1; 
-  LAxe.Weight := 1; 
-  LAxe.MaxWeight := 1; 
-  // create the wood item template 
-  LWood := FInventory.AddItemTemplate('Wood'); 
-  LWood.Group := LMainGrp; 
-  LWood.ImageIndex := 0; 
-  // we collect wood, but it will be stacked 
-  LWood.IsPooled := true; 
-  // add dependency to an axe - only if we have an axe collected, we can colled wood 
-  LWood.AddDependency(LAxe, 1); 
-  // add multilingual texts 
-  LWood.Name.Add(LLangEN_US, 'wood'); 
-  LWood.Name.Add(LLangDE_DE, 'Holz'); 
-  // create a grass item template 
-  LGrass := FInventory.AddItemTemplate('Grass'); 
-  LGrass.Group := LMainGrp; 
-  LGrass.ImageIndex := 2; 
-  LGrass.Name.Add(LLangEN_US, 'grass'); 
-  LGrass.Name.Add(LLangDE_DE, 'Gras');   
-==== Item Group ==== 
-As seen above we can simply add item groups at runtime and attach them to items. 
-<file pascal> 
-  LMainGrp := FInventory.AddGroup('Rucksack'); 
-<file pascal> 
-  LWood.Group := LMainGrp; 
-==== Manufacturer ==== 
-Manufacturers allow us to craft, combine or up-/downgrade items. 
-As mentioned also this resulting items need to be registered as templates in the inventory. 
-=== Crafting === 
-<file pascal> 
-  LFire : TGorillaInventoryItemTemplate; 
-  LMan : TGorillaInventoryManufacturer; 
-  [...] 
-  // register the resulting fire item template 
-  LFire := FInventory.AddItemTemplate('Fire'); 
-  LFire.Group := LMainGrp; 
-  LFire.ImageIndex := 3; 
-  LFire.Name.Add(LLangEN_US, 'fire'); 
-  LFire.Name.Add(LLangDE_DE, 'Feuer'); 
-  // add a new manufacturer 
-  LMan := FInventory.AddManufacturer('Campfire'); 
-  // setup a time for how long the manufacturing process takes (in milliseconds) 
-  LMan.TimeNeeded := 10000; 
-  // add items which are necessary to build a result item 
-  LMan.AddIngredient(LWood, 3); 
-  LMan.AddIngredient(LGrass, 1); 
-  // set the resulting item template 
-  LMan.ResultItem.Template := LFire; 
-=== Combining === 
-Combining items works the same way like crafting. The only difference is the used time. While crafting expects a predefined time span, combining should work immediatly. 
-So simply set TimeNeeded on manufacturer construction to zero. 
-<file pascal> 
-LMan.TimeNeeded := 0; 
-=== Up-/Downgrading === 
-To allow up-/downgrading simple link each template to the other. 
-<file pascal> 
-  // register the upgrade item template 
-  LChimney := FInventory.AddItemTemplate('Chimney'); 
-  LChimney.Group := LMainGrp; 
-  LChimney.ImageIndex := 6; 
-  LChimney.Name.Add(LLangEN_US, 'chimney'); 
-  LChimney.Name.Add(LLangDE_DE, 'Kamin');   
-  // link with fire template for possible downgrade 
-  LChimney.DowngradeItem := LFire; 
-  // link with chimney template for possible upgrade 
-  LFire.UpgradeItem := LChimney; 
-To downgrade we call the Downgrade() method with the specific collected item: 
-<file pascal> 
-procedure TForm1.MenuItem8Click(Sender: TObject); 
-var LColl : TGorillaInventoryCollectable; 
-  // downgrade the item 
-  LColl := PopUpMenu1.TagObject as TGorillaInventoryCollectable; 
-  if not Assigned(LColl) then 
-    Exit; 
-  // check if the item is downgradable 
-  if LColl.IsDowngradable() then 
-    FInventory.Downgrade(LColl) 
-  else 
-    ShowMessage('Collected item not downgradable!'); 
-Equivalent to downgrading we call Upgrade() with the specific collected item to level up our item: 
-<file pascal> 
-procedure TForm1.MenuItem7Click(Sender: TObject); 
-var LColl : TGorillaInventoryCollectable; 
-  // upgrade the item 
-  LColl := PopUpMenu1.TagObject as TGorillaInventoryCollectable; 
-  if not Assigned(LColl) then 
-    Exit; 
-  // Check if the item is upgradable 
-  if LColl.IsUpgradable() then 
-    FInventory.Upgrade(LColl) 
-  else 
-    ShowMessage('Collected item not upgradable!'); 
-==== Multilingual ==== 
-The component supports multilingual text content for your items and groups names. 
-To set the value for a specific language we need the language-name, requested by GetLanguageName() function. 
-By this index we can set a multilingual name for the item as shown below: 
-<file pascal> 
-  Gorilla.Utils.Language; 
-var LLangEN_US,  
-    LLangDE_DE : String; 
-  LLangEN_US := GetLanguageName(GORILLA_LANG_EN_US); 
-  LLangDE_DE := GetLanguageName(GORILLA_LANG_DE_DE); 
-  [...] 
-  LAxe.Name.Add(LLangEN_US, 'axe'); 
-  LAxe.Name.Add(LLangDE_DE, 'Axt'); 
-In the inventory component itself we can set the active language.  
-This is the base setting for auto-language detection by the user-interface. 
-<file pascal> 
-FInventory.Language := GORILLA_LANG_EN_US; 
-Currently supported languages are: 
-^Language ^ID ^ 
-| english | GORILLA_LANG_EN_US | 
-| english | GORILLA_LANG_EN_UK | 
-| german | GORILLA_LANG_DE_DE | 
-| german | GORILLA_LANG_DE_AT | 
-| german | GORILLA_LANG_DE_CH | 
-==== Collect ==== 
-Collecting items is the most used feature of the inventory component running your app. 
-Due to settings it is not always possible to really collect an item. 
-Imagine, you already have 10 blocks of wood and the maximum is reached. 
-Until you can collect an item you'll need the item template to supply to the Collect() method. 
-Afterwards the method will output a state value, telling you if collecting was successful. 
-Take a look at the following code: 
-<file pascal> 
-procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 
-var LIdx  : Integer; 
-    LTemp : TGorillaInventoryItemTemplate; 
-    LState : TGorillaInventoryCollectState; 
-  // select a specific item template from a combobox 
-  LIdx := TemplateSelector.ItemIndex; 
-  if (LIdx < 0) then 
-    Exit; 
-  LTemp := TemplateSelector.Items.Objects[LIdx] as TGorillaInventoryItemTemplate; 
-  // run the collecting process 
-  FInventory.Collect(LTemp, LState); 
-  // check feedback 
-  if (LState <> TGorillaInventoryCollectState.Collected) then 
-  begin 
-    ShowMessage('Not collected: ' + 
-      GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TGorillaInventoryCollectState), Ord(LState))); 
-    Exit; 
-  end;  
-  // update the user-interface 
-  FIFrame.UpdateInventory(); 
-==== Drop ==== 
-In some cases you'll need a method to release collected items from your inventory. 
-Maybe you have a weight managed inventory and need more space, or you just lose an items due to some story event in your game. 
-<file pascal> 
-procedure TForm1.MenuItem6Click(Sender: TObject); 
-var LColl  : TGorillaInventoryCollectable; 
-    LCount : Integer; 
-  // get the collected item you want to release 
-  LColl := [...]  
-  // check if it is a pooled item and we want to release all of it 
-  LCount := -1; 
-  if LColl.Template.IsPooled then 
-  begin 
-    if (FMX.DialogService.Sync.TDialogServiceSync.MessageDialog( 
-      'Would you like to drop all instances of that item?', 
-      TMsgDlgType.mtConfirmation, [TMsgDlgBtn.mbYes, TMsgDlgBtn.mbNo], TMsgDlgBtn.mbYes, 0) = mrNo) then 
-    begin 
-      LCount := 1; 
-    end; 
-  end; 
-  // drop the item with a supplied count of it 
-  FInventory.DropCollectedItem(LColl, LCount); 
-  // update the user-interface 
-  FIFrame.UpdateInventory(); 
-==== Manufacture ==== 
-=== Manufacture manually === 
-Manually means, you are selecting the itended manufacturer and supply a number of collected items. The Manufacture() method will return a process instance and start building. 
-Depending on your settings this can take some time. Because in most cases you'd like to simulate realistic manufacturing. 
-You will receive nil as result of Manufacture() if ingredients are missing or supplied items are not suitable. 
-<file pascal> 
-procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); 
-var LMan  : TGorillaInventoryManufacturer; 
-    LProc : TGorillaInventoryManufacturingProcess; 
-  // manufacture with a specific manufacturer 
-  if Assigned(ManufacturerSelector.Selected) then 
-  begin 
-    LMan := ManufacturerSelector.Selected.Data as TGorillaInventoryManufacturer; 
-    if Assigned(LMan) then 
-    begin 
-      LProc := FInventory.Manufacture(LMan, FInventory.CollectedItems.ToArray()); 
-      if not Assigned(LProc) then 
-      begin 
-        ShowMessage('Some ingredients missing!'); 
-      end; 
-    end; 
-  end 
-  else ShowMessage('Please select a manufacturer at first.'); 
-=== Manufacture automatically === 
-The Gorilla3D inventory component allows to automatically manufacture items by a supplied array of items. This means: It will automatically detect the first suitable manufacturer by the provided items and start the process. 
-The method returns a process instance in case the manufacturing was started. 
-<file pascal> 
-procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); 
-var LProc : TGorillaInventoryManufacturingProcess; 
-  // start manufacturing process by automatically detecting 
-  LProc := FInventory.Manufacture( 
-    FInventory.CollectedItems.ToArray() 
-    ); 
-  // if result was nil, no suitable manufacturer could be found 
-  if not Assigned(LProc) then 
-  begin 
-    ShowMessage('Some ingredients missing!'); 
-  end; 
-==== UserInterface ==== 
-The inventory component is a non-visual component which needs an user-interface to make your items visible. 
-You can extend the **TInventoryFrame, TInventoryGroup and TInventoryCollectedItem ** [Gorilla.UI.Inventory] component to build your own user-interface. 
-^Class ^Description ^ 
-| TInventoryFrame | A custom inventory frame component to manage a inventory system. | 
-| TInventoryGroup | A inventory grouping component. Use this component to categorize your collected items into groups. | 
-| TInventoryCollectedItem | A custom collected item component. Use this component as basis for all of your collected items. | 
-==== Inventory-Designer ==== 
-We offer a free ui-tool for easy inventory design. You can save your designed inventory to file and load it in your application. 
-The tool provides a sandbox mode, where you can test your item and manufacturer settings directly. 
-Inventory-Files are also supported in AssetsManager packages.