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Loading terrain

Gorilla3D provides a simple terrain component for generation from height-map image. Besides the default usage, different procedural builders are available: diamond square, mandelbrot, perlin-noise (linear, cosine and cubic), plateau algorithms. The resolution / number of vertices is configurable.

For detailed information about the component and its methods, check out: Gorilla.Terrain

Creating a terrain at runtime from heightmap

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var LTexturePath : String;
  LTexturePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)));
  FTerrain := TGorillaTerrain.Create(fGorilla);
  FTerrain.Parent := FGorillaViewport;
  // set resolution of terrain to 256 x 256 sections
  // this generates 65.536 cells with 131.072 triangles and 393.216 vertices.
  FTerrain.ResolutionX := 256;
  FTerrain.ResolutionY := 256;
  // here we load the height map image
  FTerrain.HeightMap.LoadFromFile(LTexturePath + 'terrain-h.jpg');
  // adjust terrain size and scaling
  FTerrain.HeightScale := 10;
  FTerrain.Scale.X := 100;
  FTerrain.Scale.Y := 10;
  FTerrain.Scale.Z := 100;
  // build terrain mesh from previously loaded heightmap
  // 1st param: static buffering for large number of vertices.
  // 2nd param: decimation disabled
  FTerrain.RebuildTerrain(true, false);
  // apply a material as texture to it
  FTerrainMaterial := TGorillaLambertMaterial.Create(FTerrain);
  FTerrainMaterial.Parent := FTerrain;
  FTerrainMaterial.Texture.LoadFromFile(LTexturePath + 'terrain-c.jpg');
  FTerrain.Mesh.MaterialSource := FTerrainMaterial;

Creating a terrain at runtime by procedural method

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var LTexturePath : String;
  LTexturePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)));
  FTerrain := TGorillaTerrain.Create(fGorilla);
  FTerrain.Parent := FGorillaViewport;
  // set resolution of terrain to 256 x 256 sections
  // this generates 65.536 cells with 131.072 triangles and 393.216 vertices.
  FTerrain.ResolutionX := 256;
  FTerrain.ResolutionY := 256;
  // adjust terrain size and scaling
  FTerrain.HeightScale := 10;
  FTerrain.Scale.X := 100;
  FTerrain.Scale.Y := 10;
  FTerrain.Scale.Z := 100;
  // build a random terrain by a predefined procedural algorithm
  // apply a material as texture to it
  FTerrainMaterial := TGorillaLambertMaterial.Create(FTerrain);
  FTerrainMaterial.Parent := FTerrain;
  FTerrainMaterial.Texture.LoadFromFile(LTexturePath + 'terrain-c.jpg');
  FTerrain.Mesh.MaterialSource := FTerrainMaterial;

NOTICE: Once you build a random terrain, you are able to store the heightmap bitmap and reload later.

Implemented terrain algorithms:

Algorithm Notice
Hill A basic procedural hill algorithm. The algorithm will produce smooth hills by radius settings and a given count.
DiamondSquare A very popular algorithm to build random terrain. The algorithm creates randomly lows and highs for a realisic terrain.

This is a fixed result, but you could use this as basis for further computation. |

PerlinNoise Perlin noise terrains are a good choice for random terrain. The component provides different mathmatical interpolation methods (linear, cosine, cubic).
Plateau A plateau terrain is described by a specific number of high and flat areas, while the rest is much lower. The algorithm extends the TDiamondSquareTerrain.

The component computes peaks by a specific number of random particles. Afterwards the complete terrain will be smooth to create a realistic landscape. |

Creating an individual procedural terrain algorithm

You can also develop your own procedural algorithm by extending TRandomTerrainAlgorithm or any descendant. In the example below, we generate a random terrain:

  TMyTerrainAlgorithm = class(TRandomTerrainAlgorithm)
      procedure Generate();
      function GetHeightMap() : TBitmap; override;    
{ TMyTerrainAlgorithm }
procedure TMyTerrainAlgorithm.Generate();
var x, z: Integer;
       i : Integer;
  System.SetLength(FData, 256);
  for i := 0 to High(FData) do
    System.SetLength(FData[i], 256);
  for x := 0 to 255 do
    for z := 0 to 255 do
      FData[x, z] := Random(100) / 100;
function TMyTerrainAlgorithm.GetHeightMap() : TBitmap;
  result := inherited;
LMyTerrainAlgorithm := TMyTerrainAlgorithm.Create();


It is recommend to use 2 ^ X resolution sizes for your terrain. Set resolution by the published properties “ResolutionX” and “ResolutionY”.

The table below lists common terrain sizes and their resulting vertices.

Size Vertex-Count Index-Count Triangles Memory-Size
16 x 16 289 1536 512 26.952 Bytes
32 x 32 1089 6144 2048 102.984 Bytes
64 x 64 4225 24.576 8192 402.504 Bytes
128 x 128 16.641 98.304 32.768 1.591.368 Bytes
256 x 256 66.049 393.216 131.072 6.328.392 Bytes
512 x 512 263.169 1.572.864 524.288 25.239.624 Bytes
1024 x 1024 1.050.625 6.291.456 2.097.152 100.810.824 Bytes
2048 x 2048 4.198.401 25.165.824 8.388.608 402.948.168 Bytes


In case you are using a height-map smaller than your terrain-resolution, the resulting terrain could show some unlovely steps. Therefore the component provides the published “Smoothing” property. Set a value between 1 and 20 to apply smoothing algorithm onto your heightmap. A value of zero means that smoothing is deactivated.


Due to optimization reasons the component provides an experimental decimation algorithm.

// 1st parameter - static buffering of vertex data
// 2nd parameter - decimation algorithm execution
FTerrain.RebuildTerrain(true, >>>true<<<);

Generating a procedural terrain by algorithm, activate decimation like this:

// 1st parameter - type of terrain algorithm
// 2nd parameter - static buffering of vertex data
// 3rd parameter - decimation algorithm execution
FTerrain.RandomTerrain(TRandomTerrainAlgorithmType.DiamondSquare, true, >>>true<<<);

Next step: Skybox