Prefabs are containers with a number of components and presets. They are comparable to *.fmx files in regular Delphi applications.
Prefabs are very helpful on storing and reusing sceneries in projects. You can store complex component hierarchies like in a default FMX formular file (*.fmx). We use the read/write mechanisms for prefabs with some additional functionality.
So it is also possible to store complete models with textures and animations. To unify the structure within a prefab, all components are grouped within a parent TGorillaGroup component inside the prefab file. Therefore you need to create a corresponding TGorillaGroup component to load data into.
Is a simple management component to prepare prefab loading. You can setup prefabs with their corresponding file location and load them on running the application.
var LList : TObjectList<TComponent>; LList := TObjectList<TComponent>.Create(false); try GorillaPrefabSystem1.LoadAllPrefabs(LList); finally FreeAndNil(LList); end;
Runtime Usage
When projects getting very large, prefabs need to be loaded at runtime. Take a look at the following function on how to do it.
uses Gorilla.Prefab, Gorilla.Group, Gorilla.Model; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var LPrefab : TGorillaPrefab; LGroup : TGorillaGroup; LModel : TGorillaModel; begin // create a group, because models inside the prefabs are stored within a group LGroup := TGorillaGroup.Create(GorillaViewport1); LGroup.Parent := GorillaViewport1; // load firemonkey from prefab file by creating a prefab in the prefab-system LPrefab := GorillaPrefabSystem1.AddPrefab('Firemonkey', LGroup, 'C:\Users\Public\Downloads\e6e820751021493fb350d190c279e8aa.prefabz'); // then we load the prefab, which will generate a TGorillaModel instance for us LPrefab.Load(); // afterwards we try to find the instance LModel := LGroup.FindComponentDeepSearchByClass(TGorillaModel) as TGorillaModel; if not Assigned(LModel) then Exit; // at last rotate and scale the model to suit our view LModel.RotationAngle.X := 180; LModel.WrapMode := TMeshWrapMode.Fit; LModel.Scale.Point := Point3D(5, 5, 5); // check if animations are available if not (LModel.AnimationManager.Animations.Count > 0) then Exit; // execute the animation found LModel.AnimationManager.Current.Start; end;
Assets Store (Beta)
During development process prefabs became very handy and useful. Like in other 3D DevTools (Unity, Unreal, …) it is common to share those over a platform.
We present to you!
In our assets store you can download prefabs and integrate them in your application. On downloading a prefab you will receive a *.prefab or a *.prefabz file. Both types can be integrated in the TGorillaPrefabSystem. Have a look at the code snippets above.
WARNING: Please take care of licensing restrictions before publishing them.
WARNING: The assets store is still in beta mode! Errors may occur!
Embedded AssetsStore (Beta)
Since we integrated the assets store also directly in the Delphi IDE.
- Drop a TGorillaPrefabSystem component onto your form.
- Right-Click on the component in the object inspector
- Click “AssetsStore” to open the embedded formular
- Browse through the assets and click to directly embed them in your form
WARNING: Please take care of licensing restrictions before publishing them.
WARNING: Some prefabs are very large in size or produce large output due to textures or animations. This can exceed your memory in IDE very fast!
WARNING: The assets store is still in beta mode! Errors may occur!
Next step: Android