This is an old revision of the document!


Rendering defines the way of drawing elements. It also describes how to handle transparency and pre-/post effects. With 0.8.3+ major changes in rendering were introduced. To handle complexicity of WBOIT rendering (Weighted Blended Order Independent Transparency Rendering) the new TRenderer class was implemented. It allows to manage context, framebuffers, textures and blendings separately for main-loop and render-passes. The viewport and each render-pass controller will hold a TRenderer component.

The TRenderer is planned to support deferred-rendering in future, but at the moment only the forward-renderer and legacy-rendering is available.


The following schema shows the default WBOIT rendering steps with meta-textures and composition, used by the forward-renderer. Those steps are used for main-loop rendering.

We've kept the flexibility to edit the TRenderer instance regarding your needs. Because in some cases you don't need all kind of textures or the complete WBOIT rendering steps.

For example:

  • A depth render pass only needs to render all objects straight, without caring about transparency, and only needs a single texture to write depth values to. So we disable all unneeded textures and steps.
  • A bokeh post processing effect renders only a rectangle and merges input textures from depth-pass and mainloop.

The following example shows a scene setup for rendering bokeh post-processing effect with a depth pre-rendering:


  1. All objects are rendered and their depth value is written to a texture
  2. Main-Loop rendering:
    1. All opaque objects are rendered
    2. All translucent objects are rendered
    3. opaque and translucent rendering merged into a composite texture
  3. Only a rectangle (in viewport size) is rendered: results from depth and main-loop are merged to produce a blur effect
  4. The final image will be taken from the post-processing render-pass composite texture

Render Targets

Opaque, translucent rendering and compositing is separated into different steps as seen above. Therefore are used different render target textures to store the information of each step.

The implemented texture formats are platform dependent. On Windows we're using BGRA format, while on other platforms RGBA is used for colored textures. (Due to FMX default).

1) Global textures for all steps

Texture-ID Format InternalFormatDataType
Alpha TextureAlphaR16FHalfFloat
Position-Depth TextureRGBARGBA16FHalfFloat

2) Additional opaque texture

Texture-ID Format InternalFormatDataType
Albedo TextureBGRA(Windows) / RGBABGRA (Windows) / RGBAUnsignedByte

3) Additional translucent texture

Texture-ID Format InternalFormatDataType
Translucent-Albedo TextureBGRA (Windows) / RGBARGBA16FHalfFloat

Caution: Color stored in translucent albedo texture is weighted and not the original color!

4) Composite texture / final output texture

Texture-ID Format InternalFormatDataType
Composite TextureBGRA (Windows) / RGBABGRA (Windows) / RGBAUnsignedByte

This texture will be filled by an embedded composite render-pass, which combines opaque and translucent albedo textures.


In the simplest rendering pipeline you have one rendering loop, where all scene elements are drawn. But in many cases you need additional steps before or after the main loop to produce the visual result you want. An example is a shadow mapping pre-rendering or a post-rendering blur effect.

With Gorilla3D it is possible to easily setup your own rendering pipeline. As mentioned the moment of execution is important. You can choose between 3 different moments of rendering:

Type Description
TRenderPassType.Pre render-pass will be executed before main loop.
TRenderPassType.Intermediate render-pass will be executed in between main loop (very ineffective - because executed each renderlist element)
TRenderPassType.Post render-pass will be executed after main loop.
FType := TRenderPassType.Pre;

Rendering Method

The render-pass controller allows to configure the method of rendering:

  • RenderListToFBO
  • RectToFBO

Elder methods: RenderListToContext and RectToContext were removed while pipeline refactoring.

The framebuffer object (FBO) is a structure inside of each render-pass and the main-loop. Render results are stored into that buffers. This allows to forward results from one step to another.

Type Description
TRenderPassMethod.RenderListToFBO Will render all 3D objects in rendering list and writes result to the currently bound framebuffer object.
TRenderPassMethod.RectToFBO Will render a rectangle with an applied shader material. Use this method to produce pre- or post-effects.
FMethod := TRenderPassMethod.RenderListToFBO;

Rendering Procedure

Because it's not enough to tell the renderer what and where to render, we need to define a way of rendering. Therefore the render-pass controller supplies a property FRenderProc. Currently there are 2 ways defined:

  • DefaultRendering
  • ListRendering
Type Description
TRenderPassRenderingProc.DefaultRenderingUses the complete WBOIT rendering with stepwise rendering of opaque, translucent and composition.
TRenderPassRenderingProc.ListRenderingRenders all objects straight forward without caring about transparency or order.
FRenderProc := TRenderPassRenderingProc.ListRendering;

Change Renderer Settings

Each render-pass creates a TRenderer instance by default and every renderer holds a context which manages framebuffer objects. Those framebuffer objects allow us to setup render targets.

Read more about Framebuffer Objects (FBO).

The render-pass provides a protected method to react on renderer creation.

procedure TMyRenderPass.DoCreateRenderer();
  // in case you only want to use the color attachment #0
  FRenderer.RenderTargets := [TRenderTarget.Color_0];

To influence creation process you can alternatively configure options inside the render-pass.

TRendererFlag.IgnoreRenderTargetsWill not create any of the meta-textures (Albedo, TranslucentAlbedo, Alpha, Position), but will create the final composite texture of RGBA8 format.
TRendererFlag.IgnoreCompositeCtrlWill not create the embedded composite render pass to merge meta-textures.

Hint: use both flags if you only want to work with the composite texture.

constructor TMyRenderPass.Create(AOwner : TComponent;
  const AId : String = 'MyRenderPass1');
  inherited Create(AOwner, AId);
  FRendererFlags := [TRendererFlag.IgnoreRenderTargets, TRendererFlag.IgnoreCompositeCtrl];

By renderer flags you are able to control meta texture creation, but not the final output texture format. To change the output format (default = RGBA8) you can override the protected “DoOnCreateCompositeTexture” method.

procedure TMyRenderPass.DoOnCreateCompositeTexture(
  ASender : TObject; const ASize : TPoint; const AScale : Single;
  out ATexture : TGorillaTextureBitmap);
var LTexRef : TTexture;
  ATexture := TGorillaTextureBitmap.Create();
    ATexture.Style := [TTextureStyle.RenderTarget];
    ATexture.SetSize(ASize.X, ASize.Y);
    ATexture.BitmapScale := AScale;
    // here we define a texture with only 1 color channel and a 16-bit float value.
    ATexture.DataType := TGorillaTextureDataType.dtHalfFloat;
    ATexture.Components := TPixelFormatEx.R16F;
    ATexture.Format := TPixelFormatEx.R;
    ATexture.MinFilter := TTextureFilter.Linear;
    ATexture.MagFilter := TTextureFilter.Linear;
    ATexture.WrapS := TGorillaTextureWrap.ClampToBorder;
    ATexture.WrapT := TGorillaTextureWrap.ClampToBorder;
    ATexture.Style := [TTextureStyle.MipMaps];
    ATexture.BorderColor := TAlphaColorF.Create(1, 1, 1, 1);
  // return a texture reference and set scaling
  LTexRef := ATexture.Texture;
  ITextureAccess(LTexRef).TextureScale := AScale;

Shader / Render-Pass Material

In next step you have to decide which shader material should be used by the render-pass:

1) For RenderListToFBO rendering:

  • Create a global material shader for all objects and override the object-specific shaders
  • Use the object-specific shaders, by returning NIL in the CreateMaterial() method

2) For RectToFBO rendering:

  • Create a global material shader

To create an global material shader for your render-pass you need to extend TGorillaRenderPassMaterialSource and TGorillaRenderPassMaterial.

  TMyRenderPassMaterial = class(TGorillaRenderPassMaterial)
      procedure DoApply(const Context: TContext3D); override;
      procedure DoInitialize(); override;
  TMyRenderPassMaterialSource = class(TGorillaRenderPassMaterialSource)
      function CreateMaterial() : TMaterial; override;

Here you can have a look at this example of a render-pass material implementation.

Notice: No multiple targets used here. We just write to default output buffer by gl_FragColor.

  ResourceString SOURCE_VS =
    'attribute vec3 a_Position;' +
    '' +
    'uniform mat4 _ModelViewProjMatrix;' +
    '' +
    'varying vec4 v_position;' +
    '' +
    'void main( void ){' +
    '  vec4 fvPosition = vec4(a_Position.x, a_Position.y, a_Position.z, 1.0);' +
    '  v_position = _ModelViewProjMatrix * fvPosition;' +
    '  gl_Position = v_position;' +
  ResourceString SOURCE_FS =
    'varying vec4 v_position;' +
    '' +
    'void main( void ){' +
    '  gl_FragColor = v_position;' +
procedure TMyRenderPassMaterial.DoInitialize();
var LOGLBytes : TArray<Byte>;
  LOGLBytes := TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SOURCE_VS);
  FVertexShader := TShaderManager.RegisterShaderFromData('MyRenderPass.fvs', TContextShaderKind.VertexShader, '', [
      TContextShaderVariable.Create('ModelViewProjMatrix', TContextShaderVariableKind.Matrix, 0, 4)
  LOGLBytes := TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SOURCE_FS);
  FPixelShader := TShaderManager.RegisterShaderFromData('MyRenderPass.fps', TContextShaderKind.PixelShader, '', [
{ TMyRenderPassMaterial }
procedure TMyRenderPassMaterial.DoApply(const Context: TContext3D);
  // activate shaders
  Context.SetShaders(FVertexShader, FPixelShader);
  // set model view projection matrix
  TCustomContextOpenGL(Context).SetShaderVariable('ModelViewProjMatrix', Context.CurrentModelViewProjectionMatrix, true);
{ TMyRenderPassMaterialSource }
function TMyRenderPassMaterialSource.CreateMaterial() : TMaterial;
  Result := TMyRenderPassMaterial.Create(Self);

You than have to overwrite the CreateMaterialSource() method and create your material source. In case you'd like to use the element specific material shaders, return nil in the CreateMaterialSource() method.

function TMyRenderPass.CreateMaterialSource() : TGorillaRenderPassMaterialSource;
  result := TMyRenderPassMaterialSource.Create(Self);

Start / End

The render-pass controller provides callback events for the start and the end of each rendering cycle. Simply overwrite the protected “DoOnBeginRenderPassSetup” and “DoOnEndRenderPassSetup” methods.

Here you can change the view, projection matrices or re-configure OpenGL context. But do not forget to reset your changes in “DoOnEndRenderPassSetup”, otherwise the main loop rendering may produce unexpected results.

Here is a short example for callback functions.

procedure TMyRenderPass.DoOnBeginRenderPassSetup(
  const ACount : Integer; const APass : TRenderPass);
var LCtx : TCustomContextOpenGL;
  LCtx := (FRenderer.SharedContext as TCustomContextOpenGL);
  FPrevBlends := LCtx.Blendings;
  LCtx.Blending := TBlendSetting.Create(true, TBlendEquationFunc.befAdd,
    TBlendFactor.bfOneMinusSrcColor, TBlendFactor.bfDstColor);
procedure TMyRenderPass.DoOnEndRenderPassSetup(
  const ACount : Integer; const APass : TRenderPass);
var LCtx : TCustomContextOpenGL;
  LCtx := (FRenderer.SharedContext as TCustomContextOpenGL);
  LCtx.Blendings := FPrevBlends;


The callback also provides an “ACount” value, which indicates the iteration count for this render-pass. It is possible to set a number of iterations this pass should run. This is very useful for ping-pong rendering techniques like blurring.

Set the “Iterations” property in your render-pass constructor to define the number of iterations. The DoOnRenderPass() method will be called on each iteration step.

Helpful methods

To use a different camera view or change to another projection mode, overwrite the following methods:

  • function GetViewMatrix(const AContext : TContext3D) : TMatrix3D;
  • function GetProjectionMatrix(const AContext : TContext3D) : TMatrix3D;

How to use

Using your own render pass is very easy. Just instanciate it and attach the viewport to it. This will automatically integrate your render-pass in the rendering-pipeline. By the “Enabled” property you can activate or deactivate it at any time.

FMyRenderPass := TMyRenderPass.Create(FGorilla);
FMyRenderPass.Viewport := FGorilla;
FMyRenderPass.Enabled := true;

Next step: Shadows