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Volume Rendering

Since v0.8.3 our framework provides the TGorillaVolumetricMesh component, which allows to render 3D array data like CT or MRT scans.

This component is indispensable for medical or for security checkpoint software.

Users push their 3D data from file or stream into a Texture3D and it renders by raymarching algorithm.


  • Different 3D texture data sizes: UInt8, UInt16, HalfFloat, Float
  • Different 3D data sizes: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024
  • Allowing custom sizes
  • Different render shapes: cube, sphere, cylinder
  • Changable ray front and back limit
  • Managable ray step detail
  • Clipping plane support for optimal slicing
  • RAW file support
  • NRRD file support with automatic 3D data size detection


When setting volume data properties like “DataType” or “Sizes” it's recommended to encapsulate those operations in an update context, to prevent multiple texture creation.



ValueDescriptionNumber Of Bytes
TGorillaVolumetricMeshDataType.vmdtUInt8Unsigned Byte1 Byte
TGorillaVolumetricMeshDataType.vmdtUInt16Unsigned ShortInt2 Bytes
TGorillaVolumetricMeshDataType.vmdtHalfFloatHalf floating point value2 Bytes
TGorillaVolumetricMeshDataType.vmdtFloatFloating point value4 Bytes


TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms4x4x4Sets up a 4 x 4 x 4 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.64 Bytes128 Bytes128 Bytes256 Bytes
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms8x8x8Sets up a 8 x 8 x 8 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.512 Bytes1 KB1 KB2 KB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms16x16x16Sets up a 16 x 16 x 16 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.4 KB8 KB8 KB16 KB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms32x32x32Sets up a 32 x 32 x 32 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.32 KB64 KB64 KB128 KB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms64x64x64Sets up a 64 x 64 x 64 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.256 KB512 KB512 KB1 MB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms128x128x128Sets up a 128 x 128 x 128 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.2 MB4 MB4 MB8 MB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms256x256x256Sets up a 256 x 256 x 256 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.16 MB32 MB32 MB64 MB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms512x512x512Sets up a 512 x 512 x 512 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.128 MB256 MB256 MB512 MB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms768x768x768Sets up a 768 x 768 x 768 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type. It's an irregular size but very common for medical CT scans.432 MB864 MB864 MB1.728 GB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms1024x1024x1024Sets up a 1024 x 1024 x 1024 voxel 3D texture with the defined data type.1GB2GB2GB4GB
TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vmsCustomAllows to set individual slice sizes and mesh depth. But you need to take care of unsupported sizes in GPU. It may cause GPU exceptions if your graphics card do not support the size.----

KB - KiloBytes | MB - MegaBytes | GB - GigaBytes

You need to be careful with imported 3D data. As you can see in the table above, data size increases fastly by size and used datatype. It's absolutely not recommended to use huge data size like 1024 x 1024 x 1024 with float values, because most GPU's are not able to handle those texture sizes.

Custom Size

It's allowed to configure custom 3D data size. To enable this mode you need to set “Sizes” property to “TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vmsCustom”. You can then set CustomWidth, CustomHeight and CustomDepth. The property will automatically adjust sizes to a multiple of 2, as recommended by OpenGLES documentation.

    FVolume.Sizes := TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vmsCustom;
    FVolume.CustomWidth := 512;
    FVolume.CustomHeight := 512;
    FVolume.CustomDepth := 230; // will automatically modify to a depth of 256
    FVolume.DataType := TGorillaVolumetricMeshDataType.vmdtUInt8;

Or you can your values explicitly without alignment. But take care with sizes. Not all GPU's support irregular or unequal sizes.

In case you set an unsupported size, the texture creation will fail and raise an exception.

    FVolume.Sizes := TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vmsCustom;  
    FVolume.CustomSize := Size3D(500, 500, 230); // will keep those sizes!
    FVolume.DataType := TGorillaVolumetricMeshDataType.vmdtUInt8;


Not always is cubic rendering the best projection for volumes. Therefore we provide different mesh shapes.

Shape Description
TGorillaVolumetricMeshShape.vmsCube Will set up a static cube mesh.
TGorillaVolumetricMeshShape.vmsSphere Will set up a static spheremesh.
TGorillaVolumetricMeshShape.vmsCylinder Will set up a static cylinder mesh.


TGorillaVolumetricMesh provides a “Details” property, which allows users to control raymarching algorithm.

The details value increases or decreases ray steps when marching through the 3D volume data.

This will have direct effect on the number of rendered slices and also on the produced color.

Sometimes its necessary to have more performance, so lower detail may be a solution.


Besides “Slicing” technique users can also manipulate ray cast offsets. By reducing or increasing the so called “RayLimits”.

This is an optimization to reduce marching algorithm in shader and can improve efficiency.

NOTICE: But carefully, if setting limits to low or to high it may cause slicing in view direction.

Upload Data

TGorillaVolumetricMesh provides two file formats.

  • RAW File
  • NRRD File

RAW File

When uploading 3D data to the volumetric mesh, you can use the direct RAW data upload method.

Here you need a file which data will be uploaded 1:1 and needs to correspond to the supplied parameters. You need to define the correct width, height, slices-count and datatype to the “LoadFromRawFile” method.

If the parameters are equal to TGorillaVolumetricMesh settings, the data will pushed directly.

In case TGorillaVolumetricMesh settings are different, the upload routine tries to cut out the relevant data.

    512, 512, 230, TGorillaVolumetricMeshDataType.vmdtUInt8);


When uploading 3D from a NRRD file, you don't need further parameters. The method will automatically read the file header and detects sizes and datatype.


You can setup a NRRD header yourself in case you have only a RAW file. Just add some similar code at the beginning of your file:

content: "My NRRD File"
type: unsigned char
dimension: 3
sizes: 256 256 256
spacings: 1 1 1
encoding: raw

[... RAW DATA ...]

NOTICE: LF and CRLF are supported as line endings.

Procedural Data

You can of course fill the 3D data array also manually. Pushing data to the 3D-texture by UpdateBuffer() expects to fill data correctly. Otherwise exception may occur.

You have to take care of the 3D-texture size by the “Sizes” property of the component and the configured “DataType”.

In the following a simple code snippet showing a procedure to fill a 512 x 512 x 512 with 4-Byte float values.

uses Gorilla.Material.Types, Gorilla.Context.Texturing;
TMyVolumetricMesh = class(TGorillaVolumetricMesh)
  procedure RandomFill();
procedure TMyVolumetricMesh.RandomFill();
var LTex    : TGorillaTextureBitmap;
    LData   : TBytes;
    LDPtr   : PSingle; // vmdtFloat !!!
    LValue  : Byte;
    w, h, d : Integer;
    LSizeF  : TPoint3D;
    LSizeI  : record
                X : Integer;
                Y : Integer;
                Z : Integer;
    LDSize  : Integer;
  Self.Sizes := TGorillaVolumetricMeshSize.vms512x512x512;
  Self.DataType := vmdtFloat; /// !!!
  // get size in fragments
  LSizeF := Self.GetSizeAsVector();
  LSizeI.X := Round(LSizeF.X);
  LSizeI.Y := Round(LSizeF.Y);
  LSizeI.Z := Round(LSizeF.Z);
  // create data array
  LDSize := LSizeI.X * LSizeI.Y * LSizeI.Z * LFSize;
  System.SetLength(LData, LDSize);
    LDPtr := @LData[0];
    // fill data with perlin noise
    for w := 0 to (LSizeI.X - 1) do
      for h := 0 to (LSizeI.Y - 1) do
        for d := 0 to (LSizeI.Z - 1) do
          LDPtr^ := Single(RandomRange(0, 10000) / 10000);
    // push data to 3D texture
    LTex := TGorillaVolumetricMeshMaterialSource(FMaterial).Texture as TGorillaTextureBitmap;
    LTex.UpdateBuffer(LData, LDSize);
    System.SetLength(LData, 0);

Scene Setup

Volume Rendering consists of multiple steps or rather pre render-passes. Those compute front and back vertex positions of the current view. This optimizes raymarching algorithm in the final volume rendering.

Gorilla3D already contains both render passes, which only need to be setup and linked to the volumetric mesh.

  // a pre render-pass to get all vertex positions of front faces
  FFrontFaceRenderPass := TGorillaRenderPassFace.Create(GorillaViewport1, 'FrontFace');
  FFrontFaceRenderPass.FaceKind := TFaceKind.FrontFace;
  FFrontFaceRenderPass.Viewport := GorillaViewport1;
  FFrontFaceRenderPass.Enabled := true;
  // a pre render-pass to get all vertex positions of back faces
  FBackFaceRenderPass := TGorillaRenderPassFace.Create(GorillaViewport1, 'BackFace');
  FBackFaceRenderPass.FaceKind := TFaceKind.BackFace;
  FBackFaceRenderPass.Viewport := GorillaViewport1;
  FBackFaceRenderPass.Enabled := true;
  // create the volume mesh
  FVolume := TGorillaVolumetricMesh.Create(GorillaViewport1);
  FVolume.Parent := GorillaViewport1;
  // link pre render-passes
  FVolume.FrontFaceRenderPass := FFrontFaceRenderPass;
  FVolume.BackFaceRenderPass  := FBackFaceRenderPass;
  // configure some settings
  FVolume.Details := 0.5; // lower ray detail - default is 1.0
  FVolume.SetSize(4, 4, 4);
  // change from cube to sphere projection
  FVolume.Shape := TGorillaVolumetricMeshShape.vmsSphere;


A great feature many applications will need with volume rendering is so called “Slicing”.

It will clip specific parts of the computed mesh, so you can have a closer look on each slice of the rendered data.

It works by a clipping plane with a direction/normal vector and a distance to the mesh origin. To modify the clipping plane is quite easy:

uses Gorilla.Context.Types;
var LDistance : Single;
    LNormal : TPoint3D;
  // get the clipping plane normal
  case AMode of
    1 : begin
          // back
          LNormal := TPoint3D.Create(0, 0, -1);
    2 : begin
          // top
          LNormal := TPoint3D.Create(0, 1, 0);
    3 : begin
          // bottom
          LNormal := TPoint3D.Create(0, -1, 0);
        // front
        LNormal := TPoint3D.Create(0, 0, 1);
  // get the distance of the clipping plane to mesh origin
  LDistance := TrackBar1.Value / 100;
  // finally set the clipping plane
  FVolume.ClippingPlane := TPlaneF.Create(LNormal.X, LNormal.Y, LNormal.Z, LDistance);
  // rerender viewport to visualize changes

Gamut Mapping

Gamut is a colored texture to define how 3D values will be colored. Since this feature is available.

Here an example of a simple gradient gamut texture:

TGorillaVolumetricMesh allows to configure the coloring method by some properties:

GamutTexture used for mapping the 3D value during Raytracing
GamutModeDefines when and how the value-color mapping happens. Here different modes are available: GamutNone, GamutByValue, GamutByValueMultiply, GamutBySum, GamutBySumMultiply
GamutFactorA factor applied to the absolute 3D value before mapping onto the gamut texture (default value is 1.0)


GamutNoneGamut mapping is disabled
GamutByValueGamut mapping will be applied to each 3D value on the casted ray.
GamutByValueMultiplyGamut mapping will be applied to each 3D value on the casted ray and afterwards multiplied with the previously computed color value.
GamutBySumGamut mapping will be applied to the final casted ray value.
GamutBySumMultiplyGamut mapping will be applied to the final casted ray value and afterwards multiplied with the previously computed color value.

Next step: Particles