Animation Controller
// animation controller setup
// create animation controller for handling animation transitions
// animation transitions define how to switch from one animation to another
// and which inputs / hotkeys are triggering
FAnimCtrl := TGorillaAnimationController.Create(FViewport);
// link the model to the animation controller, to apply animation transitions to
FAnimCtrl.Model := FCharacter;
// add all defined animation transitions
LLay := FAnimCtrl.AddLayer('WalkingAnimations');
LLay.AddTransition('idle-forward > walk-forward', 'mymodel-idle.dae', 'mymodel-walk-forward.dae', true, KeyboardMoveForward, [fpMoving], tmImmediatly);
LLay.AddTransition('idle-backward > walk-backward', 'mymodel-idle.dae', 'mymodel-walk-backward.dae', true, KeyboardMoveBackward, [fpMoving], tmImmediatly);
// set the default animation to be played at the beginning
FAnimCtrl.DefaultAnimation := 'mymodel-idle.dae'; // the filename of your idle animation