
Developer Edition

Perfectly suited for small indie developers at the beginning of their project. Start to develop your game or app.

When you're ready to publish/release, you need to buy a commercial license!

  • visual and hardcoded watermarks
  • max. 5 developers in your team
  • allowed only for development purposes
  • not allowed to release or publish anything
  • no limitation to the number of projects

Commercial / Release Edition

A commercial license comes in place, when your project is ready to release or if your team exceeds the number of 5 developers.

  • no visual or hardcoded watermarks
  • allowed to publish applications compiled with Gorilla3D
  • restricted to install on one machine
  • for teams with more than 5 developers: each developer / machine needs a single license
  • no limitation to the number of projects
  • buy once - keep it forever
  • not allowed to sell our framework


Visit our online shop to see current package pricing:



Since 2022 we only offer 2 types of bundles. You can choose between BASICPACKAGE or GAMEPACKAGE.


The basic package comes with all basic framework features:

  • TGorillaViewport with renderpass management
  • Multiple Render-Targets
  • Fog-Rendering
  • Volume-Rendering
  • Bloom / EmissiveBlur
  • FXAA (Fast Anti-Aliasing)
  • Frustum-Culling
  • TGorillaModel and TGorillaMesh
  • 3D File-Formats: G3D, DAE, FBX, glTF/GLB, OBJ, STL, X3D, PLY, SKP, Babylon, Sketchfab
  • AnimationManager
  • BVH support for optimized raycasts
  • PrefabManager
  • AssetsManagement with packages
  • Camera and light components
  • Smooth Camera Controller
  • Primitives: Cube, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Tube, Torus, Capsule, …
  • Layer components
  • Materials: Lambert, Phong, BlinnPhong, NormalMapping, Layered Material, Runtime Material, VertexColor, Physically Based Rendering, Parallax Occlusion Mapping
  • Texture-Formats: JPG, PNG, DDS, TGA
  • 2D/3D/CubeMap/Array2D Texturing
  • Order-Independent Rendering with WBOIT algorithm
  • Instance-Rendering
  • RenderPass components: PostFX, Reflections, Refraction, CustomBlur, CustomDepth, Environment, SMStoreDepth, VSMStoreDepth, VSMBlur, Face
  • XML components


The gaming package contains besides all basic features also components for audio, particle effects, physics computation and gaming:

  2. Audio (Standalone / Add-On)
    • Complete FMOD audio library interface, class and record set
    • easy-to-use manager component
    • Supported file formats: AIFF, ASF, ASX, DLS, FLAC, FSB (FMODs sample bank format), IT, M3U, MIDI, MOD, MP2, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, PLS, S3M, VAG (PS2 or PSP format), WAV, WAX (Windows Media Audio Redirector), WMA, XM, XMA (only on the Xbox 360), as well as raw audio data.
    • 3D positioning of sound sources
    • High performance and high quality playback even with a large number of samples
    • Sound- and channelgroups to manage easily your audio files
    • Common sound effects, like: panning, volume, reverb, …
    • Geometry API to implement even complex sound effects within a 3D world with obstacles, doppler-effect and reverb
    • DSP plugins to create your own native sound effects
  3. Particle System Components (Add-On)
    • Particle Emitter with particle settings (size, position, rotation, …)
    • Easy to setup environment
    • Influencers, like gravity, traktor, wind or color
    • Sample particle-effects, like Explosion, Eruption, Rain, Snow, Waterfall, …
    • ParticleMaterialSource to render animated particles from atlas texture
  4. Q3 Physics Engine (Add-On)
    • Physics engine with collision detection for rigid bodies
    • Colliders for Box-, Sphere-, Capsule-, Mesh- and Terrain-Collider
    • Optional asynchronous thread computation for best performance
    • Remote-Functionality to influence physics world
    • Callbacks on collision detection
  5. Game Development Components (Add-On)
    • Realtime Global-Illumination
    • Terrain component with terrain layer material
    • GorillaScript Engine
    • InputController for global access to mouse, keyboard and gamepad events
    • Billboarding component
    • Bokeh effect
    • DialogueSystem with UI elements
    • InventorySystem with UI elements
    • SkillSystem
    • FlowChart components
    • Materials for SplatMaps, Terrain, Grass and Water
    • Pathfinding component
    • AnimationController for animation transitions
    • AudioController for combining sounds with character controlling
    • Physics Character Controller
    • RenderPasses: Bokeh, Voxelize, GlobalIllumination
    • and more …

Supported Platforms

We currently support the following platforms:

  • Windows 32 Bit
  • Windows 64 Bit
  • Android 32 Bit
  • Android 64 Bit


Subscription and support cases are optional for BASICPACKAGE, but automatically integrated in our GAMEPACKAGE bundle.

With our 1-Year update subscription you will receive framework updates for one year since purchasing date. When buying Gorilla3D you are able to log into the private customer area to download and install updates manually. Or you can use our web installer tool.

The individual support case option allows you to request our help up to a limited number of cases. Individual support case means user-specific problems with your project in combination with Gorilla3D components or requests for bugfixes.

Customer Area

For commercial users we provide a customer area. One place to view account-data, invoices, accessable downloads, prefabs and tutorials.



If you have a valid subscription, you can renew at the end of the period. We will give you a discount on the current package price.

NOTICE: If your subscription expired, you have to buy again and pay the full price.

C++ Builder Support

We do provide header files and packages for C++ Builder. But we can not guarantee full functionality and stability. Our support will focus on Delphi compilers.

Refund Policy

Our software is available for purchase on a try-before-you-buy basis. We provide a developer edition to let customers fully evaluate against their needs before making a purchase decision.

Customers should use the developer edition to make sure that the software meets their needs before purchasing a license. All of our software is fully functional inside the developer edition. Our software does not require registration.

Please note: Once the software is registered and unlocked we will be unable to offer a refund, we therefore advise customers to make full use of the developer edition, to ensure the software meets their specific needs.

During your test period, our support staff are available to assist in installation, configuration and usage via our help desk or our software support forum. We strongly recommend that all customers, install, and test developer versions of any product prior to making a purchase.

If you purchase one of our products, after your payment has cleared you will receive an email as part of the order process and will be asked to supply data to unlock your copy of your purchased program. During this time, you will receive regular e-mails to verify information and to advise you of progress. Orders maybe cancelled any-time before the unlock code is supplied, thereafter no refunds will be given.

In rare instances and only within 30 days of purchase, if due to technical difficulties or platform incompatibilities the software will not function, we may, at our discretion, issue a refund. In such instances, we require that you provide enough information for us to positively identify your purchase transaction (e.g., order number, your company name, date of transaction, purchase code, number of licenses purchased). If we are able to positively identify your order, and if your request is made within 30 days of purchase, you must submit to us a letter of destruction of software on your company letterhead before we will process the refund. ´Gorilla Software Eric Berger´ is not responsible for lost, delayed, or misdirected mail or email, delays for downloading, or other communication system delays.

Acceptance of this Refund Policy

It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with this refund policy. By placing an order for any of our software, you indicate that you have read this refund policy and that you agree with and fully accept the terms of this refund policy.

If you do not agree with or fully accept the terms of this refund policy, we ask that you do not place an order with us.

Please send any questions regarding our refund policy to: support@gorilla3d.de.

Region Based Discounts

To give developers from lower income countries access to a commercial license, we offer region based discounts.

How it works:

  1. We need an official document verifying your residence.
  2. We will generate an individual promo code depending on your residence.
  3. Use this promo code in our online shop: gorilla3d.de/purchase
  4. It is valid for 1 purchase of any package and usable for 14 days.

If you're interested in getting a discount promo code, feel free to contact us: support[at]gorilla3d.de

Academic Discounts

To give students, pupils and academic staff access to a commercial license, we offer special discounts.

How it works:

  1. We need an official document to verify your students/pupils state or your workplace in an academic institution.
  2. We will generate an individual promo code depending on your situation.
  3. Use this promo code in our online shop: gorilla3d.de/purchase
  4. It is valid for 1 purchase of any package and usable for 14 days.

If you're interested in getting a discount promo code, feel free to contact us: support[at]gorilla3d.de